We will continue to add more products as they are ready
4 products
4 products

We will continue to add more products as they are ready
4 products
Nicotine Herb Blend Tincture
Nicotine Herb Blend Tincture was created with the current health issues of humanity in mind. This is a powerful blend of medicinal herbs that have been used for thousands of years in both eastern and western natural traditions to detox poisons and promote health and well-being.
This listing is for one 2-ounce bottle.
You must be 21 years or older to purchase this product.
Ingredients: Nicotiana Rustica Hopi Tobacco, Lobelia, Licorice root*, Cassia*, Wormwood (artemisia annua & artemisia absinthium), Ashwagandha*, Tonka Beans*, Macuna Pruriens* in organic potato Vodka*. All herbs homegrown without chemicals or organic*.
Suggested Use: Put 1-20 drops (not dropperfuls) under the tongue and in various parts of the mouth. Wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Add a drop to your belly button. Add 1-2 drops to a nebulizer to help with respiratory congestion. Start small and test your own body for desired potency. This is a powerful tincture, use wisely. Some people take this tincture for a week and then wait a week before resuming use. Others take it only in small amounts every morning. See what works best for you. Do not overdose. Hopi ceremonial tobacco is an indigenous sacred herb designed for use with prayer and meditation and in gratitude to our loving Creator.
Why natural nicotine? For more information about why you would want to use natural nicotine, check out the work of Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Edward Group & others.
Dr. Ardis's book: Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies : Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity: Bryan Ardis: Amazon.com: Books
Dr. Brian Ardis podcasts: What the FDA is Hiding About Nicotine Will SHOCK You w/ Dr. Ardis
Dr. Bryan Ardis Nicotine-The Complete Exposé by Dr. Bryan Ardis Pyrazines are addictive not Nicotine
Dr. Bryan Ardis and nicotine powers
WATCH AS NICOTINE DESTROYS INJECTABLE NANOTECHNOLOGY (under the microscope) https://www.bitchute.com/video/uSkSkjxrufsS
Medicinal Herbs Historical Uses:
Nicotiana Rustica Hopi Tobacco: This is an ancient strain of tobacco that was grown by Native Tribes in North and Central America. For thousands of years tobacco was used for medicine before it was genetically modified and poisonous addictive chemicals were added to the production of it. Historically tobacco is believed to be a sacred herb by many indigenous tribes of people who used it to dispel negative energies, entities and poisons. It has been used to treat snake bites and insect stings because of its ability to draw out poisons and heal wounds. People used it for pain, inflammation, skin rashes, itching, eczema, rheumatism, respiratory issues, colds, headaches, earaches, toothaches and as a neuroprotector for cognitive enhancement.
Wormwood Artemisia Annua & Artemisia Absinthium: Artemisinin is an active compound found in wormwood that has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and anti-cancer effects. It is known as one of the best herbs for immune health. We use it regularly as a natural dewormer for our dairy goats. Historically it has been used to treat malaria, cancer, anorexia, insomnia, anemia, parasites and digestive issues. In our family, we consume it daily in teas and green drinks.
According to The Botanical Institute, starting in 2020, much research was conducted looking at the benefits of traditional herbs for supporting against Covid-19. A review article looked at 20 lab studies (conducted in 2020/2021) and found that the various constituents in A. annua may impede the SARS-CoV-2 attachment, membrane fusion, internalization into the host cells, and hinder the viral replication and transcription process. Artemisia Annua: 6 Benefits, Dosage, & Safety | The Botanical Institute
Lobelia (Indian Tobacco) is an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic & anti-depressant. Its traditional and potential medicinal properties are attributed to its alkaloids, including lobeline which gives respiratory and immune system support.
Licorice root reduces inflammation, eases pain, soothes digestive issues, respiratory conditions, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, skin conditions and boosts the immune response.
Cassia is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese medicine. Cassia fights free-radicals & diseases like cancer and diabetes, helps with digestion, elimination, detoxification and infections, soothes body pain, & is good for colds, flu and headaches.
Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb that has been used for thousands of years to relieve stress, increase energy levels, improve concentration and mental acuity, reduce inflammation, balance hormones lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and help with sleep.
Tonka beans were used by native tribes of central and south America to treat snake bites, insect stings and wounds. These beans help with pain relief, detoxify the body of poisons and venoms and help prevent strokes, thrombosis, vascular damage and high blood pressure.
Macuna pruriens possesses anti-snake venom effects, helps protect against neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, reduces stress, arthritis, pain, depression and improves male fertility.
We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our products improve your health and well-being, but we make no guarantees. As in all things, trust your wisest eternal Self with your own individual life and body system.
We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
It tastes fresh, alive and invigorating. It is vibrant.
Trinity Pine Pollen Tincture - 2 oz
Our Pine Pollen is personally wild harvested in the mountains of Idaho. We gather White Pine, Ponderosa and Lodge Pole.
Pine Pollen has been used for at least 3000 years in Asia. It has over 200 nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is a complete protein that includes all essential and non-essential amino acids. It has many notable benefits including its effect on libido, premature aging, stamina, inflammation, immunity and stress recovery.
Pine Pollen stimulates the production of hormones. For men it may help improve muscle strength and mass, increase libido and overall reproductive health. For women pine pollen may help balance hormones, alleviate symptoms of menopause, increase libido and improve overall well-being.
INGREDIENTS: wild harvested white pine pollen, ponderosa pollen, lodge pole pollen, organic alcohol and pure water
We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our products improve your health and well-being, but we make no guarantees.
We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Elderberry Breathe Easy Elixir, 2 oz ~ Respiratory Health and Immune System Booster
Historically Elder (sambucas nigra) is one of nature's great gifts to plant medicine. Elderflowers combined with elderberries offer numerous compounds that provide benefits for the respiratory system and much more! They contain bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, and polysaccharides, which boost the immune system's response to remove free radicals and protect cells from damage. Elderflowers act potently to reduce inflammation and combat infections particularly in the upper respiratory tract due to colds and flu, and provide relief from seasonal allergies or irritated sinus, eyes, and nasal congestion. Elderberries can soothe sore throats and nasal passages, reduce fever, and assist as an expectorant. Along with elderberries and flowers we have included various other fruits, herbs and raw honey that will benefit recovery and sooth symptoms of respiratory illnesses.
INGREDIENTS: Elderberries, Elderflowers, Chokecherries, Aronia Berries, Elecampane, Plantain, Marshmallow, Mullein (leaves, flowers and root), Astragalus Root, Licorice Root, Linden Flowers, Self-Heal, Raw Honey, Organic Alcohol and Pure Water
Herbs and Berries are personally homegrown, wild harvested or organically grown
Suggested Use: Take 1 dropper three times a day or as needed
Some of the Medicinal Benefits:
Chokecherry boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, improves memory and focus, slows the effects of aging, eye health, aids digestive system, calms respiratory nerves and soothes irritations in the throat and bronchial passages
Aronia Berry increases blood flow to respiratory cells, high in antioxidants, stimulating effects on intestinal microbiota promoting healthy digestion and strengthens and supports the immune system
Elecampane supports lung health and respiratory function, acts as an expectorant which helps to loosen mucus, combats infections in the respiratory tract, boosts the immune system and stimulates digestion and relieves bloating
Plantain strengthens the lungs, soothes sore throat and mucus membranes, reduces congestion, alleviates coughs, an expectorant, boosts immune system and fights infections
Marshmallow produces a significant amount of mucilage which creates a soothing effect on a dry or irritated respiratory system, binds to toxins and helps eliminate them from the body, speeds healing process, has a calming effect on the digestive system, promotes immune function and helps to reduce swelling in the joints
Mullein speeds up recovery of chest infections, reduces inflammation in the lungs, aids as an expectorant, soothes sore throat and dry cough, helps open airways and strengthens urinary tract
Astragalus Root activates your immune cells which helps to strengthen your immune response, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties, helps to heal damaged lung tissue, opens airways, reduces mucus production, protects the brain and helps prevent memory loss
Licorice Root reduces inflammation, eases pain, soothes digestive issues, respiratory conditions, relieve bronchial spasms, protects against lung infections, hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, skin conditions and boosts the immune response
Linden Flower contains mucilage which helps to protect and soothe the respiratory tract, reduces mental stress, anxiety and mood swings, anti-inflammatory properties, eases cold and flu symptoms, reduces mucus build up, aids digestion, calms upset stomach, improves circulation, boosts immune defenses and calms tension headaches
Self-Heal soothes irritated and sore throats, relieves coughs and congestion, supports the immune system, reduces inflammation in the body, protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals and helps to create mental and emotional health and well being
Raw Honey soothes sore throats, heal wounds, aids in digestion, has high levels of antioxidants that helps the body protect itself from free radicals, fights inflammation, promotes healthy cell regeneration, natural humectant that helps draw moisture to the skin, energy booster and promotes the release of melatonin which improves sleep
We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our products improve your health and well-being, but we make no guarantees. As in all things, trust your wisest eternal Self with your own individual life and body system.
We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
St. John's Wort Tincture, Wildcrafted ~ 2 oz
Historically St. John's Wort has been used over a millennium by the people of northern regions of Europe and Western Asia. It is traditionally renowned for psychic empowerment and spiritual protection. Wreathes or bundles were held close to the body or placed above doorways and alters to counter negative energies and ward away evil spirits.
Today, St. John's Wort has gained popularity for effectively aiding with symptoms of depression and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) but is less commonly known for its ability to help the immune system to fight both viral and bacterial infections, relieve inflammation, ease pain, calm the nervous system and detoxify the blood and liver.
The brilliant yellow flowers reach full bloom at the height of summer, absorbing the healing power and radiance of the sun. We wildcraft our St. John's Wort from pristine mountain meadows not far from our home and infuse the fresh blossoms into organic alcohol. As the plant material extracts into tincture, the medicinal compounds release instantly, almost magically transforming from the bright yellow flowers and green buds into a deep red elixir.
Ingredients: Fresh St. John's Wort Flowers and Organic Alcohol
USE WITH CAUTION: St. John's Wort can react with prescription drugs including, birth control, heart and blood medication, antidepressant, chemotherapy agents and immunosuppressants. Consult with health provider to access potential interactions.
We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our products benefit you, but we make no guarantees. As in all things, trust wisest eternal Self with your own individual life and body system.
We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.