About Us
Culture: constitutes the holistic wisdom that conscientious life forms seek to pass from generation to generation, including the knowledge of the arts, crafts, sciences, literature, and tribal belief systems, as well as agriculture and culinary techniques. Culture comes from the Latin word cultura (to cultivate). This includes the cultivation of land, plants, animals, and the micro-organisms that protect us from pathogens, preserve our foods naturally without technology, and deliver the nutrients our bodies need to survive rapid changes and extreme conditions.
Welcome! We are a rural family living in our own trial and error process of creating a multi- generational family perma-culture that includes all levels of life, from micro-organisms, to human beings and our planet. We have been using natural health methods for many years, growing and wild-crafting herbs, and making our own herbal formulas, tinctures, poultices, infusions, teas, hair rinses, bath soaks, soaps, salves and creams. When we introduced fermented foods and ancient cultures to our diets, and our homemade skin care products, we experienced tremendous improvements in our health and well-being. We also discovered that by creating symbiotic relationships with ancient living cultures, we began to rapidly awaken to our own expanded history and our divine purpose on earth.

Our Purpose: Here at Clearwater Cultures we seek to mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually integrate the wisdom of ancient cultures into the present day circumstances of our lives in order to create a continuity of our family lines and species. We believe that our quality of life is directly related to the amount of truthful information we have access to.
Founder, Grandmother, Mother of 9. Loves Being Free to Create Abundantly!
Responsible for: Cultures, Herbal Infusions, Epitaxy Elixirs, Natural Technologies, Soaps, Salves, Body Sprays, Sunscreen, Shampoo Bars, Research & Development, Write ups, Workshops on Probiotics and the Immune System, Culturing Classes, Herb Walks, Herb growing, wildcrafting and farm chores including milking dairy goats.
Co-Founder, Mother of Ava, Responsible for:
Creams, Bath Fizzies, Face/Skin Masks, Shipping & Handling, Online Etsy & Shopify Store Management, Photography, Editing, Website building, Videos, Research & Development, Herb growing, herb gathering, and milking dairy goats.
Lip Balms, Bath Soaks, Modeling, Photography, Gardening, Herb growing and Wild-crafting, Packaging, Shipping and Handling, and Milking dairy goats.
For someone like me, I am one to believe that everything happens for a reason. Our paths have crossed for a reason. I welcome and thank you for this opportunity to get to know you. I hope you the best and wish good fortune on your path in life.
A little about me:
I am a nature lover, book collector, and gardener of many things. I love the homestead lifestyle and being able to do the things I love and enjoy.
Photography, Website Management, Social Media Management, Marketing, Videos, Editing, Wildcrafting, Herb growing and processing, and Products.
Ava & Aspen:
Modeling and being wonderful helpers.
Great Grandmother, A lover of nature, Landscape painter, Illustrator of Children's Books, elementary School Teacher for 20 years. Loves Photography and music. Spent many years teaching children music.
Writes and illustrates the Children's E-Books and Nena's Notes the stationary.
Also is the artist of our thank you notes that get sent out with every order! We also us those notes for much more too.
Still hikes with her cane. An Inspirational woman.
Special Thanks to all our family members who give us immense help in so many different ways we couldn’t do all this without them.
Thanks to everyone who contributed photography and ideas for our website: