Origami - Natures designs - Klif Larsen

Klif Larsen

My brother (Nonia & Erika), the multi-talented creative Klif Thor Larsen, who passed away January 21st, 2024 at the young age of 61, was working on an origami book of instructions for his original origami creations. He finished the digital PDF files for 41 of his creations, but was still working on 25 more origami creations. The PDF booklets of his completed creations are each for sale as a digital download here on Etsy.




Our Uncle Thor -

Inspired by Nature and by other Origami Designers,
I seek to discover and develop each model:
Something fresh, unseen until now, with unique interpretation.
Ahh...the Joy of playful folding and experimenting with form!
Sometimes a complete design emerges, stunning and wondrous.

In this exploration I've attempted to interweave opposing elements
and alchemize a strength in the balance:
the complex mellowed by the simple, geometric nuanced with organic,
stark yet elegant, blocky and delicate at the same time.

The resulting models are beautiful, alluring, bold and amusing.
The folding is both easy and challenging.

So if your interest is aroused, take a relaxing saunter
and invigorating romp through the folds!

Klif Larsen - with his designs