Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment
Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment
Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment
Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment
Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment
Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment

Nicotine Herb Blend Probiotic Body Spray & Liniment

Regular price $40.00 Save $-40.00

A Probiotic/Prebiotic living culture of an aged kombucha vinegar infused with a powerful blend of medicinal herbs. 

This listing is for one 4-ounce bottle with pop top and optional spray top. 


Medicinal Herbs: Nicotiana Rustica Hopi Tobacco, Wormwood (Artemisia Annua & Artemisia Absinthium), Mugwort, Plantain, Cleavers, Horsetail, Blue Vervain, Lemon Balm, Lobelia.  All herbs homegrown without chemicals.

Essential Oils: Sweet Orange and Cassia.

Probiotic Culture: Aged kombucha vinegar grown in pure water, green tea and medicinal mushrooms (chaga and Reishi).  

Suggested Uses:

This is a strong medicinal culture.  If you are not used to indigenous herbal medicines, start small until your body gets used to this powerful ferment. 

Massage into skin chest, back, neck, feet and lymph glands to improve assimilation and detoxification.  Spray into air to help freshen and detoxify and to get probiotic microbes into the lungs.  Hopi ceremonial tobacco is an indigenous sacred herb designed for use with prayer and meditation and in gratitude to our loving Creator

These probiotic cultures have been used on people, animals and to clear the energy in rooms and various spaces.  They can be used to coat the body with living probiotic and prebiotic microorganisms in order to help boost immune system responses, heal skin disorders, cleanse toxins and unnatural substances, calm and balance emotions, lift the mood, clear the energy field and body of unhealthy attachments, and to improve inner balance and spiritual vision. 

Why natural nicotine?    This Probiotic Formula is inspired by the work of Dr. Bryan Ardis and his team of researchers.  For more information about why you would want to put nicotine on your skin, check out his book:  Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies : Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity: Bryan Ardis: 9781961641228: Books  

Dr. Brian Ardis podcasts:   What the FDA is Hiding About Nicotine Will SHOCK You w/ Dr. Ardis

 Dr. Bryan Ardis Nicotine-The Complete Exposé by Dr. Bryan Ardis Pyrazines are addictive not Nicotine


Dr. Bryan Ardis and nicotine powers





Medicinal Herb Historical Uses:

Nicotiana Rustica Hopi Tobacco:  This is an ancient strain of tobacco that was grown by Native Tribes in North and Central America.  For thousands of years tobacco was used for medicine before it was genetically modified and poisonous addictive chemicals were added to the production of it.  Historically tobacco is believed to be a sacred herb by many indigenous tribes of people who used it to dispel negative energies, entities and poisons.  It has been used to treat snake bites and insect stings because of its ability to draw out poisons and heal wounds.  People used it for pain, inflammation, skin rashes, itching, eczema, rheumatism, respiratory issues, colds, headaches, earaches, toothaches and as a neuroprotector for cognitive enhancement.  

Wormwood Artemisia Annua & Artemisia Absinthium:  Artemisinin is an active compound found in wormwood that has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and anti-cancer effects.  It is known as one of the best herbs for immune health.  We use it regularly as a natural dewormer for our dairy goats.  Historically it has been used to treat malaria, cancer, anorexia, insomnia, anemia, parasites and digestive issues.  We consume it daily in teas and green drinks. 

According to The Botanical Institute, starting in 2020, much research was conducted looking at the benefits of traditional herbs for supporting against Covid-19. A review article looked at 20 lab studies (conducted in 2020/2021) and found that the various constituents in A. annua may impede the SARS-CoV-2 attachment, membrane fusion, internalization into the host cells, and hinder the viral replication and transcription process. Artemisia Annua: 6 Benefits, Dosage, & Safety | The Botanical Institute

Plantain:  This common weed is considered one of the best healing herbs on the planet.  It has a long history of medicinal uses among many cultures around the world.  The leaves contain anti-inflammatory compounds.  It has been used to treat pain, inflammation, cancer, infections, fever and to draw out poisons.  The leaves are often used in poultices to draw out the poisons from stings and bites, including snake bites.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris):  High in antioxidants, mugwort has been used historically to treat joint pain, gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological problems and cancer.

Cleavers:  This is our favorite local weed that we use for lymphatic issues.  Historically it is used to reduce swelling, boost energy and treat infections.  It is a powerful detoxifier, assisting the liver and immune system to help with issues like psoriasis, eczema, acne, wound healing and cancer.

Horsetail: This herb is packed with vitamins and minerals.  It is beneficial for joint diseases, skin and hair health, urinary tract infections, edema, joint diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and more. 

Blue Vervain: In traditional herbal medicine vervain has been used to treat headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, kidney stones, gout, jaundice and painful menstruation.  Nursing mothers used it to improve lactation.  It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-cancer herb.  Vervain contains over 20 beneficial plant compounds, including iridoid glycosides, flavonoids, and triterpenoids, which may be responsible for its purported benefits.

Lemon Balm (Melissa): This herb has been prescribed by doctors since the Middle Ages to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, treat wounds, promote longevity, protect against heart and liver problems, fight infections including herpes, aid in digestion and help regulate overactive thyroids.  It has many antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Lobelia:  A powerful herb for the respiratory system.  It has been used for inflammatory issues including to ease muscle strain and tension.  The most important compound in the plant is lobeline, which has been studied for its ability to improve neurodegenerative disorders, such as depression, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, as well as ADHD and neuropsychiatric disease.

Cassia Essential Oil:  Cassia is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.  Cassia boosts the immune system, improves circulation, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, detoxifies the body, helps with constipation and diarrhea, is an antidepressant and is a free radical scavenger.  


Sweet Orange Essential Oil:  This is an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antianxiety and anti-inflammatory.  It has been used to help with wound healing, infections, sleep and to improve cognitive function.


Kombucha is an ancient probiotic culture.  It has a remarkable ability to detoxify the body, fight infection, strengthen the immune defense, boost energy levels in the body, reduce inflammation, prevent abnormal growths, balance PH, improve cell metabolism, aid in reducing free radical damage, and preserve lubrication and elasticity of the joints.  Kombucha contains anti-lipidemic properties, which help reduce the absorption of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, while it elevates the levels of good cholesterol in the body.



For several years, we have been developing various original and highly unique mother cultures that are grown in combinations of medicinal herbs or mushrooms in order to form unusual strains of probiotic and prebiotic nutrients.  The original probiotic liquid is added to each new culture to infuse the old into the new, thus creating a continuous chain of genetic information.

These cultures are given many treatments using various natural technologies, including Life Light rings, coils, and environmental harmonizer, sound attunements with Solfeggio tuning forks and Himalayan Singing Bowls, structural imprinting from Gemstone Epitaxy Elixirs, and energy enhancement with Orgonite Energy Accumulators and Human Prayers and blessings with the intent to improve all healing properties.  See Our Process page for further descriptions of these technologies.

The water we use in our cultures and products comes from a deep well that taps into underground streams that flow naturally from the wilderness of the high mountains of the Continental Divide through one of the largest gemstone deposits in the United States, thus Idaho’s nickname, “The Gem State”.  According to the Science of Epitaxy, the liquid crystalline matrix in water is known to record information from the very ancient and solid crystalline matrix in crystals and gemstones.  We believe that the water we are using has a vast internal library of information within its structural geometry that it can deliver into human bodies. 


We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our soap and skin creams improve your health and well-being, but we make no guarantees. As in all things, trust your wisest eternal Self with your own individual life and body system.

We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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