Rest & Relax Soap - Organic, Probiotic, & Medicinal
Rest & Relax Soap: is a special formulation of probiotic cultures and prebiotic herbs known as "nervine" herbs. Historically these plants have been used to help with sleep disorders, nervous anxiety and stress. A rich biodiversity of earth's natural microbes on the skin has been shown to reduce stress. Our soaps contain a very large and biodiverse combination of beneficial flora and fauna.
This is a mild scrubby soap. Each bar is hand cut and made to be unique. Approximately 3.5 ounces.
Medicinal Herbs: Passionflower, chamomile, valerian root, slippery elm, hops, feverfew, licorice root, skullcap, and St. John’s Wort (all organic or homegrown without chemicals).
Essential Oils: basil, sage, pine and lemon, or try our NEW Anise R & R Soap.
Organic oils: pure virgin olive, coconut, sunflower, castor, hemp, raw flax seed, jojoba oil, sesame, and vitamin e oil. We infuse our olive oil with 100 different medicinal herbs.
Probiotic beneficial microorganisms: Goat Milk Kefir, Water Kefir grown in superfoods (gogi berries, rose hips, elderberries, and medicinal herbs), Kombucha vinegar and S.C.O.B.B.Y. (Symbiotic Colony of Beneficial Bacteria & Yeast grown in green tea and many different medicinal mushrooms and herbs), L.A.B. (lactic acid bacteria), FPJ (fermented plant juice), homegrown vinegars, and various cultures of Beneficial Microorganisms including SCD Essential Probiotics, ProBio Balance Original Mother Culture Concentrate.
Other: organic beeswax, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Redmond mineral salt with over 60 minerals and KNF-OHN (Korean Natural Farming-Oriental Herbal Nutrient), organic aloe vera gel.
Natural Cleansers and Minerals: Redmond Real mineral salt, zeolite, diatomaceous earth.
Pure water treated with Gemstone Epitaxy Elixirs and LED light therapy. Water, infusions and cultures treated with Life Light Tools including tensor field rings, coils and environmental harmonizer, Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Orgonite Energy Accumulators and many gemstones to give additional structure and coherence to the soap.
All our soaps are cold process natural lye soaps. In the saponification process the lye turns oils into soap. By the time the soap cures, no lye remains.
Please check out our pages on this website entitled:
SUGGESTED USES: Contains information that may improve your cleansing and healing processes, including ideas for stimulating your lymphatic and circulatory system to improve detoxification and nutrient assimilation.
INGREDIENTS: Lists the ingredients we use with additional descriptions including a full list of the medicinal herbs infused into our organic pure virgin olive oil.
OUR PROCESS: Explains more about the full process that we use to make our products including: medicinal herb growing, wild-crafting and infusions, growing probiotic cultures, creating probiotic/prebiotic combinations and the natural technologies we use to enhance our products.
We are not licensed medical providers. We sincerely hope our products improve your health and well-being, but we make no guarantees. As in all things, trust your wisest eternal Self with your own individual life and body system. If for any reason our products do not suit your needs, please discontinue use.
We are required by the FDA to make the following statement:*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Customer Reviews
My 15 month old son and I would share this soap bar during our evening baths. He loves it and as do I. It feels rejuvenating as well as helping us rest and relax.
These products are very effective at bringing the microbiome back into repair balance. They clean your skin hair without drying you feel good using products good for yourself Mother Nature.
This is a really unique and amazing product, works wonders. thank you